Thursday, March 24, 2011

Edwin Abbott's Flatland

Post your response to reading Abbott's tale of Flatland. To what purpose does he ask his readers to imagine a whole world existing in two-dimensions?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Reading 2: Due Feb 17

Give an example of how Rudy Rucker grounds mathematics in the experience of human body. How does he explain the relationship between parts and wholes in those terms?

See: Rucker-MindTools_Intro.pdf

Monday, January 31, 2011

Reading response 1

D. Crafton, Chapter 3, “The First Animator: Emile Cohl” in Before Mickey pp. 59-88, Crafton-EmileCohl.pdf

Point what interests you most in the reading about the early years of animation, trick films, and avant-garde experimentation.